Fueled By a Passion to See Others Succeed
About Our Founder – Dana Hampton
I have been into health and fitness for as long as I can remember. I competed in numerous sports from childhood through adulthood, such as martial arts, softball, volleyball, triathlons, various durations of running events, mountain biking, CrossFit, rock climbing, hiking, and kayaking. Filling my weeks with any sort of physical activity, I thrived on anything that would challenge and push me to my limits. I started competing in bikini competitions in my late thirties and plan to continue to push myself physically for as long as I can. Part of living a healthy lifestyle is properly fueling my body and always having healthy snacks to keep me on track.
In my twenties when I became a personal trainer and managed a personal training studio in Oregon, I found the perfect canvas. My passion for fitness only grew as I watched the struggles that others went through, not just with their discipline at the gym but with their diets. I learned how foods affected not only their minds, but their bodies and performance. Emotional eating through tough times and doing crash diets to lose weight as quickly as they could for a special event, my clients would later relapse and gain all the weight, plus more back.
I absolutely despise the word “diet”. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest, which means enjoying the things that make us happy. To a lot of people, one of the biggest sources of happiness is food, but it can also be one of our biggest demises. I loved to learn what it was that my clients just “couldn’t live without” in their diets even though they knew it was bad for them. I would experiment constantly with cookies, muffins, breads, and bars that I created for my clients. Many of them struggled with different illnesses such as celiac disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, crohn’s disease, seizures, and high blood pressure, just to name a few. I would recreate their "forbidden foods" like cheesecake to make them nutritious and taste great at the same time. I would get excited from seeing their faces light up when they would take a bite, and that was all the motivation I needed.